Source: How to get rid of jaundice in adults/livwell India

Jaundice is a condition in which the skin, sclera (whites of the eyes) and mucous membranes turn yellow. This yellow color is caused by a high level of bilirubin, a yellow-orange bile pigment. The bilirubin, bile fluid, is formed from the breakdown of red blood cells and is later discharged by the liver.


Can you imagine waking up in the morning and washing your face and take a quick glimpse at yourself in the mirror and notice yellow eyes looking back at you. 

Well, that would probably indicate that you have jaundice! It’s a condition which signals that you may have an underlying, or even a more serious problem. 

Although, however, in some cases, it doesn’t necessarily have to be the case at all. 

What is Jaundice?

Jaundice, also known as icterus, is a condition that causes yellowing of the skin and the whites of the eyes. It is caused by an excess of bilirubin in the blood. 

This occurs when the liver is not working properly, and causes a waste material called bilirubin to build up in the blood.

However, when there is too much bilirubin in the blood, it can build up in the body and cause jaundice.

NOTE: Bilirubin is a yellow pigment that is produced when red blood cells break down. Normally, bilirubin is processed by the liver and then discharged from the body in the stool. 

What causes Jaundice?

Jaundice can have many causes, such as infections, liver diseases, gallstones, tumors, blood disorders, or genetic conditions that affect bilirubin metabolism. 

According to medical experts, Jaundice can be caused by a variety of other factors as well: such as liver disease, hepatitis, alcohol abuse (alcohol-related liver disease), pancreatitis, sickle cell disease and certain medications. 

It’s also important to know, if you are noticing the yellowing of your skin or eyes, you should seek medical attention from a doctor immediately.

Another possible underlying condition and causes of jaundice may also include cirrhosis, which is a disease that causes scar tissue to replace healthy tissue in the liver.

Studies show Jaundice is typically a signal of an underlying condition, or in most cases, a more serious problem. Here’s 10 Symptoms of Jaundice you shouldn’t ignore:

1. Yellow Pigmentation 

Jaundice is a symptom most associated with the yellow pigmentation of the skin. This process can cause the skin to appear light yellow.

Besides the skin, the eyes and the lining of the mouth also change color, even though the eyes are often the first indication that something is wrong with the liver.

2. Dark Urine

Have you noticed your urine becoming darker, despite drinking normal amounts of water and maintaining an otherwise healthy diet?

If so, you may have jaundice. Under normal circumstances, the liver and pancreas create bile that is excreted from the body when we urine.

However, if the levels of bilirubin increase, the amount of bile excreted increases, and therefore our urine appears much darker in color.

3. Pale Stool

The color of your stool may be a useful gauge of your liver health. If you notice a light-yellow colored stool or a yellowish-green stool, you may have jaundice. 

When stool appears pale in color, this often indicates that there is an obstruction in the bile channel, disrupting the bile drainage. 

4. Abdominal Pain

One of the many possible explanations of people experiencing jaundice, is related to the obstruction of the bile channel. 

The bile channel may become obstructed due to gallstones or mineral buildup in that area, and some infections may also cause it to become obstructed. 

When this happens, the patient may experience a sharp pain in the area around the abdomen, but it can also be described as a dull and aching pain, depending on each person. 

The pain is usually felt on the right side of the stomach, according to patient research.

5. Itching

Itching happens to be one of the main symptoms of jaundice, which causes you to feel frustrated and irritated.

Itching is a sign that something is wrong with the liver, especially when there is an excessive amount of bile salts (break down fats during digestion) present in the body.

This causes an increase in skin sensitivity and itchy sensations to appear. The itching can appear in different parts of the body, and it can range from mild to severely irritating. 

6. Fatigue

Fatigue is one of the main symptoms of jaundice. It causes you to be constantly tired, and often unable to carry out physical activities because of the excessive mental and physical strain. 

People with jaundice can experience fatigue due to the dysfunction of the bile channel, and the consequent effects that this has on the body. 

7. Confusion

Regarding psychological symptoms often experienced by jaundice patients, confusion is one of the most reported symptoms. 

Jaundice and liver function both play an important role in our mental health. That’s why you can experience mental imbalances when your liver function becomes compromised. 

Some of the main mental symptoms of jaundice include agitation, fatigue, and especially confusion. 

8. Vomiting

One of the most frequently observed symptoms of jaundice is vomiting. Not everyone who experiences jaundice will develop vomiting, but those who do, often have an obstruction in their bile channel. 

Besides vomiting, jaundice may also cause nausea, which is closely related to vomiting. If you feel nauseous, it means you feel the need to vomit. 

Vomiting occurs because there is too much bilirubin in the blood. Luckily, there are some things you can do to help reduce nausea. 

NOTE: Sucking on a small piece of ice, and sip lots of water can calm down the stomach.

9. Flu-Like Symptoms

As jaundice progresses, you may start noticing symptoms that are similar to the flu or a cold. These symptoms include fever, chills, headache, and fatigue. 

You may experience one, several, or none of these symptoms. The amount and severity of each symptom depend on how impaired the liver becomes. 

In some cases, a high fever may develop, accompanied by severe chills and fatigue. 

Over the counter medication may help reduce symptoms, but you should always consult your doctor before consuming any drugs. 

10. Difficulty Sleeping

Another symptom of jaundice is difficulty sleeping or sleep disturbances. Often, the physical and mental stress brought on by liver dysfunction can make it harder to sleep at night. 

WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW: According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), any baby can get jaundice. About 60% of all babies have jaundice.

Moreover, you may find yourself waking up more often at night due to imbalances in the body, as well as chemical changes in the brain. 

Remember, if you notice any of these symptoms, you should see a doctor immediately for further diagnosis and treatment as soon as possible.

Can jaundice be prevented?

Jaundice is closely related to liver function. Since there are many causes of jaundice, it’s hard to provide specific prevention measures

Nonetheless, people can help take care of their liver with several lifestyle changes, which may include:

  • Eating a balanced diet
  • Exercising regularly
  • Managing medications carefully
  • Limiting alcohol consumption
  • Maintain a healthy weight
  • Manage your cholesterol

Bottom Line

Jaundice is a condition which signals that you may have an underlying, or even a more serious problem. Although, in some cases, it doesn’t necessarily have to be the case at all. 

However, if someone is suffering from a severe case of jaundice that goes untreated can possibly cause brain damage or liver problems. 

So, if you’re experiencing any of these symptoms, you should see a doctor immediately for further diagnosis and treatment as soon as possible.

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