Image: Can AGI replace doctors /David Ruhm

Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) is the next evolution of AI systems, with the capacity to learn, ability to reason, and comprehend like humans. The healthcare industry is exploring ways to harness its potential to transform the future of the medical industry. Now, with the current and rapid advancements that’s occurring with AI machine learning, healthcare experts are perplexed about the human presence in this sector. 


AGI in healthcare stands as an empowering technology that holds the promise of changing how we approach diagnosis, treatment, and medical research through the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) and human-like cognitive abilities and adaptability.

“AGI is like a ‘Super-smart’ computer that thinks and learns!”

Technology research says “Artificial General Intelligence is like a “Super-smart computer” that can think and learn just like people do. 

Even doctors and scientists agree and are really excited because they envision that AGI could change the way we take care of sick people.

“It’s like having a ‘robot doctor’ that’s smarter than most humans!” 

According to experts, AGI could help us figure out what’s wrong with someone faster, find the best way to make them better, and discover new ways to study health and medicine

It’s a big deal because it could make getting healthy easier and faster for everyone.

What is Artificial General Intelligence?

Artificial General Intelligence is a type of artificial intelligence (AI) that can understand, learn, and apply knowledge in a way that is identical to human intelligence. 

Unlike narrow AI, which is designed to perform one specific task at a time, AGI can perform a wide range of cognitive tasks and solve complex problems independently

This futuristic technology is also referred to as strong AI, full AI, or human-level AI — which will forever change the way we solve future problems.  

“AGI is being designed to perform at human level – and beyond!”

AGI is still an unproven concept, and a primary goal of AI research. It would be capable of reasoning, problem-solving, perception, learning, and language comprehension at human level — and even beyond. 

The development of AGI is a “subject of ongoing debate,” with some researchers believing this technology could be achieved in the coming years or decades. 

However, other AI developers think “it might take a century or longer,” or “may never be realized.”

“AGI raises important ethical and safety considerations!” 

The emergence of AGI would be a significant milestone — for all of humanity. Even developers of this technology believe, “It could potentially revolutionize our economies and societies.”

However, for the skeptics of AGI, it also raises important ethical and safety considerations, as it could “present unforeseeable possible risks” if it’s not developed responsibly.

AGI Future Developments in Healthcare Employment 

The future of AGI in healthcare looks promising, with several potential developments on the horizon. Here are 5 key areas where AGI could have a significant impact:

Photo: AGI healthcare/AGI Education Limited
  1. Predictive Healthcare: By 2030, AGI could access multiple data sources to identify sickness patterns in diseases and aid in treatment and care. This would enable doctors to predict an individual’s risk of certain diseases and suggest preventive measures to stay healthy. 
  2. Efficiency and Automation: AGI could automate administrative tasks such as documentation and coding (organizing records), making things faster — cutting down the wait time for patients.  
  3. Advanced Diagnostics and Treatment: AGI could lead to more accurate diagnoses and advanced treatments, making it easier for people to get the help they need.
  4. Personalized Care: With the ability to analyze an enormous amount of data, AGI could offer personalized health plans based on an individual’s unique health profile. 
  5. Operational Improvements: Super smart AI, enabled by models like GPT-4, could transform how hospitals work by analyzing data — quickly reading through lots of medical notes and medical charts (patients’ medical history), giving doctors the information they need in no time.

It’s important to note that while AGI holds great potential, it also comes with challenges — such as guaranteeing the protection of data while keeping a human oversight to monitor AI-recommended suggestions to safeguard patient safety and well-being.

Courtesy/Ken Kennedy Institute

Moreover, the integration of AGI into healthcare also presents challenges that need to be addressed:

  • Data Privacy: It’s important that AGI can look at health info it needs without sharing people’s private details.
  • Regulation and Oversight: There should be rules to make sure AGI is used the right way in taking care of patients’ health.
  • Public Perception: It’s essential to teach people about AGI and how it helps in healthcare, so that everyone is comfortable using it.

ALSO READ: AI Will Revolutionize the Medical Industry by 2030. Here’s 5 Future Benefits of AI in Healthcare

The impact on healthcare employment will likely be complicated in the coming years. While AGI may automate certain tasks, potentially displacing some jobs, it could also create new roles focused on managing and overseeing AGI systems. 

Additionally, AGI could reduce the responsibilities of healthcare professionals, allowing them to focus more on patient care and less on administrative tasks.

Bottom Line

AGI is expected to revolutionize healthcare, improving efficiency and outcomes. However, it will require careful management to ensure that the workforce adapts to these changes and that ethical considerations are prioritized. 

Whether you embrace this new–aged technology or not, AI and AGI are here to stay. So, how do you think Artificial General Intelligence will affect you in the workplace?