Photo: Testosterone boosting foods/J Carter

Marriage can be really complicated with the everyday struggles in life. Among those struggles, it may include challenging work hours, lack of personal time, infidelity and abuse, parenting children, and even less time for sex or no sex at all. But for those men who also suffer from erectile dysfunction issues, marriage life can be even more stressful and complicated. 


According to a study published by Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, more than 18 million men in the United States over the age of 20 are affected by erectile dysfunction (ED). 

Worldwide, ED is expected to increase to 322 million men by 2025. And in the coming years, ED will affect about 30 million men in the United States.

That’s 1 in 10 men will experience ED at some point in their lifetime. 

However, there’s foods you can eat that can provide you with the building blocks you need to power your entire body—including the penis and other sexual organs.  

Including your penis prostate and more whether your concern is low testosterone levels erectile dysfunction or prostate health. Here’s 7 testosterone boosting foods that will help battle erectile dysfunction: 

Image: Eating testosterone boosting foods/Cottonbro
  1. Spinach

Rich in folate (leafy vegetables), spinach is known to be a natural blood flow booster. Folate, or folic acid plays a critical role in male sexual functions. However, low blood folic acid levels have been linked to erectile dysfunction. Moreover, spinach is one of the top sources of this essential nutrient—which also contains magnesium—helps stimulate blood flow and may boost testosterone levels.

  1. Apples

Apples have some great all-around health benefits, but one of their lesser-known advantages pertains to prostate health. Apple peels, in particular, contain the active compound, ursolic acid. This acid is known to starve prostate cancer cells, and prevent them from growing larger, according to studies. Other studies also suggest, men who consume more fruits and vegetables have a better chance of beating prostate cancer.

  1. Carrots

If you’re seeking to enhance your sperm count, scientific evidence suggests that increasing your intake of carrots could be beneficial to male infertility. It’s proven to improve both sperm count and motility due to its carotenoid content (orange pigmented antioxidants) —which are known to provide many health benefits.

  1. Hot Peppers

Spicier foods like hot peppers contain higher testosterone levels in their saliva than those that preferred milder flavors while this doesn’t mean spicy food increases testosterone levels the chemical capsaicin found in hot peppers may have some bedroom advantages dietary capsaicin intake May stimulate your brain’s pleasure centers which could potentially improve your mood and provide an aphrodisiac effect however most of the research regarding caps sayison and mood has been done in animal studies so it should be taken with caution.

  1. Oatmeal

It may not be the first food that comes to mind when you think of sexual health but it could have some beneficial effects on erectile function oats are considered an aphrodisiac and they may be beneficial for improving blood flow to the penis they contain the amino acid L-Arginine which may help treat erectile dysfunction and boost testosterone levels L-Arginine is thought to help blood vessels in the penis to relax so that blood flow to the area can increase however recent studies suggest that the blood vessel relaxing effects of L-Arginine may not be as powerful as they they were once thought to be next

  1. Avocado

Now let’s talk about the avocados oddly enough because of their shape and the fact that they grow in pairs on avocado trees the Aztecs named avocados after a word meaning testicles when they discovered them in 500 BC avocados are rich in vitamin E which may improve sperm quality in men with infertility one medium-sized avocado provides 21 percent of the daily value for vitamin E it also provides nine percent of the daily value for zinc an essential mineral with roles in sperm quality testosterone production and fertility.

  1. Watermelon

Watermelon contains an amino acid called l-citrulline which is said to stimulate blood flow to the penis l-citrulline is absorbed by the body’s nitric oxide system which encourages blood vessel dilation and ultimately improves blood flow this can help with erectile dysfunction by making it easier for blood to flow into the penis watermelon is also a good source of vitamins A and C which provide antioxidant benefits.

Bottom Line

Men who incorporate foods like spinach, apples, carrots, chili peppers, oatmeal, avocados, and watermelon into your diet can support healthy sexual functions. 

Moreover, to also combat erectile dysfunction, you should also maintain a balanced diet, exercise regularly, manage your stress levels, and consult a medical professional for advice for further information on your overall sexual well-being.

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