Courtesy: Pinterest

The number of U.S. women choosing to have their breast implants permanently removed has seen a significant increase. In 2021, approximately 219,000 women had their breast implants removed, and about a third of them opted not to have them replaced. This trend reflects a 47% increase in implant removals without replacement compared to the previous year.


Women choose to get breast implants for a variety of reasons, and their motivations can vary. Emotional reasons play a significant role in why some women choose to get breast implants. Some of those reasons include Self-Esteem and Confidence, Body image dissatisfaction, Femininity enhancement, Social Pressure and Media Influence, Body image control, as well Emotional healing from a mastectomy.  

Whatever the reason, every woman’s emotional journey is unique, and breast augmentation decisions are extremely personal. 

In the past few years, more and more women have decided to remove their breast implants due to future health concerns.   

Why women are removing their breast implants

Courtesy: Instagram/Breast implant removal

Breast implant removal is a choice made by many women for various reasons. Here are some common factors that lead women to decide on implant removal:

  • Health Concerns: Some women experience health issues related to their breast implants. For instance, complications, implant failure, or discomfort may prompt them to seek removal. Additionally, breast cancer treatment often requires implant removal.
  • Desire for a Natural Look: Over the years, some women may no longer identify with their augmented appearance. They might prefer a more natural aesthetic or smaller breasts.
  • Lifestyle Changes: As life circumstances change, women may find that their breast implants no longer align with their lifestyle. This could be due to personal preferences, changes in fashion, or other factors.
  • Age and Long-Term Considerations: After having implants for years, some women choose to remove them as they age. The desire to avoid having implants at an older age is a common motivation.
  • Health Issues and Inflammation: Inflammation or autoimmune issues can lead to discomfort or swelling around the implants. Some women experience symptoms like swollen lymph nodes, skin rashes, or other health concerns.

Breast implant removal can be a viable solution to avoid breast cancer risk 

Dr. Frita M. Fisher, also known as Dr. Frita, is an Atlanta-based Nephrologist who has over two decades of experience in the medical field. 

Dr. Frita: Breast implant removal can be a major decision. Here are 7 complications of breast implants:

1. Breast Cancer: If a woman with breast implants develops breast cancer and requires radiation therapy, keeping the implants can be painful. Radiation can also alter the shape of the implant and increase the risk of infection or implant loss.

2. Capsular Contracture: This is when the breast hardens or fibrosis around the implant. This can cause a hardness in the breast. It’s often painful.

3. Implant Rupture: When a silicone implant ruptures, the shell of the implant breaks or tears, leading to leakage of the silicone into the surrounding tissue. This can cause changes in breast size, shape, and texture. Women often opt for removal to address this issue.

4. Calcium Deposits: This can cause hard lumpy bumps around the implant, but more importantly, when you go to get a mammogram, it’s difficult to differentiate between the calcium deposits and cancer.

5. Extrusion: This can happen when your own natural skin has been stretched out and thinned in order to accommodate the implant, and then the implant actually peaks out of your skin, it extrudes through your skin.

6. Problems with Breastfeeding: Breast implants can indeed impact breastfeeding, although most women with implants are still able to breastfeed—although, there can be potential dangers associated with this natural process.

7. Loss of Sensation: While rare, some women may experience a complete loss of nipple sensation after breast augmentation. Nerve damage to the nipple could be caused during surgery. However, most patients do not have permanent loss of feeling.

Bottom Line

Women are removing their breast implants for a variety of reasons. According to recent statistics by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, it’s estimated the average breast implant removal surgery in the U.S. is $3,049

If you decide to get breast enhancement or removal surgery, you should consult the necessary professionals who can help guide you with this life—changing procedure.   

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