Photo: Erectile dysfunction treatments/Ketut

According to recent studies, men between 40 and 70 or even older may suffer from erectile dysfunction (ED). Male impotence affects about 30 million men in the United States. It is estimated that 1 in 10 men will experience ED at some point in their lifetime. 


Living with erectile dysfunction (ED) or impotence can be challenging for men—and even your significant other—like your spouse. This condition can cause feelings of anger, frustration, sadness, or lack of confidence. However, it’s important to remember that ED is a common condition, and there are many ways to manage it, according to leading doctors.

What is erectile dysfunction (ED)? 

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is the inability to get and maintain an erection that’s firm enough for sexual intercourse. 

Men who experience ED have decreased blood flow to the penis, which could be caused by many things from drug side effects, stress, or even high blood pressure.   

What are the most common symptoms of ED?

Men suffering from this condition are often embarrassed and find it difficult to discuss this issue with a professional. 

Sometimes, however, treating an underlying condition is enough to possibly reverse erectile dysfunction. 

In other cases, medications or other direct treatments might be needed to correct your symptoms. Here’s some symptoms that may affect men with this ED:

  • Difficulty getting firm erection
  • Difficulty maintaining and keeping an erection
  • Reduced interest in sexual activity
  • Low self-esteem and decreased confidence

If these symptoms are present, a doctor may diagnose someone with ED. A doctor might also perform a physical exam and ask for a complete medical history. 

What causes erectile dysfunction?

While ED itself is primarily a result of a lack of blood flow to the penis, there are multiple causes of the condition. 

Erectile dysfunction causes/Darmel

The main causes of ED include heart disease, high cholesterol, obesity, coronary artery disease, diabetes mellitus, high blood pressure, metabolic syndrome, low testosterone levels, kidney disease, and prostate cancer are the most common risk factors of ED.   

  • YOU SHOULD ALSO KNOW: ED may be a warning sign of more serious underlying medical conditions like cardiovascular (heart) disease.

So, a doctor might order blood tests to check for other medical problems. 

More solutions and strategies for living with ED. Here’s 5 ways to restore your erections naturally:

  1.  Do nasal breathing (increase nitric oxide)
  2.  Do regular exercise 
  3.  Consume foods high in nitrates (Spinach, celery, Bok choy, beets, and more
  4.  Avoid sugar, alcohol, and stress 
  5.  Improve your sleep 

Bottom Line

Having erection issues from time to time isn’t necessarily a cause for concern, according to leading medical doctors. If erectile dysfunction is an ongoing issue, however, it can cause stress, affect your self-confidence, and contribute to relationship problems

The best way to prevent ED is to make healthy lifestyle choices and to manage any existing health conditions like diabetes, heart disease or other chronic health conditions. 

In addition to those lifestyle choices, you should also stop smoking, limit or avoid alcohol, and illegal drugs.

It is also recommended that you begin exercising regularly, avoid or reduce stress, anxiety, depression, or other mental health concerns. Click here to discover other ways to get harder, firmer, and stronger erections 

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