Photo: Health benefits of walking/bmann

Walking is a great way to keep in shape and shed those extra unwanted pounds and get healthy, according to leading medical and exercise professionals. You might think they’re more productive things you could do instead of going for a long walk, but walking has incredible health benefits. The majority of the health benefits of walking, you probably may have never even heard before.  


Talking about walking benefits may seem like a trivial topic, but there are some fascinating benefits that you may not have considered—like reducing your stress and cortisol levels. 

In turn, this helps manage your risk of anxiety, depression, and insomnia. Here are 12 more health benefits of walking you probably didn’t know about:

1. Increases synovial fluid (lubricant) in your joints 

2. Increases the body’s natural opioids (natural pain killers) 

3. Reduces inflammation (swelling)

4. Helps you lose weight after the first 30 minutes 

5. Decreases the risk of bone density loss with age 

6. Strengthens the muscles in your feet 

7. Helps stabilize your hips, back, and neck 

8. Mobilizes lymphatic system circulation 

9. Improves lumbar muscle function (which can help with low back pain) 

10. Helps reduce blood pressure 

11. Increases oxygen to the brain 

12. Boosts cellular waste removal 

When you plan your workouts, don’t ignore walking as a part of your daily routine. While it may seem trivial, it can be an effective way to support a healthy body. 

How I Walked Myself Slim

Nancy Rushing, 40, grew up in a meat-and-potatoes family were eating large portions—and being a little pudgy—was the norm. 

But three years ago, at 259 pounds, she was shopping for jeans and realized she had gone up yet another size. 

“Getting to a size 22 was my breaking point,” she says. 

Her plan: Join Custom Keto Program to learn how to eat healthier and lose weight and start walking regularly.

How she did it: Nancy started walking at home (in Arlington, Texas) on an old treadmill she got from her aunt. 

To stay motivated, she watched musicals like Hairspray and High School Musical as she walked. 

Twice a week, she also walked the halls and stairs at the school where she teaches.

The payoff: Nancy shed a total of 100 pounds in 14 months, and two weeks before she turned 40 in April, she ran her first 5K. 

“I saved my own life by just walking every day!”

Now when she hits the mall to go jeans shopping, it’s much more fun. 

“Not only are there more choices, but clothes tend to fit on the first try,” she says.

Weight-Loss Transformations like Nancy’s could be your story too: You could shed your excess pounds by walking—one step at a time. 

Along with including a long walk into your daily routine, if you’re trying to maximize your weight loss process there’s dietary supplements you could take along with your daily walks.

Ikaria Lean Belly Juice is a fat-burning supplement that will help you burn your stubborn belly fat, boost your metabolism, increase energy and cholesterol levels—all while maintaining healthy joints

This fat-burning juice also promotes a healthy digestive system, supports blood pressure levels, while suppressing your food cravings to help you achieve your weight loss goals. 

[Click here to read how Ikaria Lean Belly Juice can help you burn more fat]

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