Photo: Excess salt consumption can lead to hypertension/Becca Tapert

Salt is one of the oldest and most universal and essential food seasonings for our everyday life. This mineral, sodium chloride (NaCl), is known to improve the taste perception of food. It just seems to make any food taste even better, right? Although, no matter how much this salty mineral fulfills our basic human taste, excessive sodium consumption can lead to more severe conditions. 


Excess salt consumption can have both short-term and long-term effects on your health. It’s estimated that 422 million people worldwide have diabetes, due to the bodies inability to use blood sugar (glucose) properly. However, the majority live in low-and middle-income countries. 

Studies have also found that 1.5 million deaths are directly attributed to diabetes each year. Both the number of cases and the universality of diabetes have been steadily increasing over the past few decades.

What happens if you eat too much salt?

In the short term, consuming too much salt can cause water retention, a temporary rise in blood pressure, and intense thirst

In severe cases, it can lead to hypernatremia, a condition where the body’s sodium levels rise above a safe level, resulting in confusion, tiredness, seizures, and coma.

In addition, if left untreated, this condition can be fatal.

In the long term, excessive salt intake may raise your blood pressure and increase your risk of stomach cancer. It may also increase the risk of heart disease and premature death.

Photo: Excessive salt intake can lead to major health issues/Emmy Smith

What are signs you’re consuming too much salt? Here’s some top signs of excessive salt usage: 

  1. Edema, or excess swelling 
  2. Irritability, or mood swings  
  3. Nausea, or uneasy stomach 
  4. Fatigue, or lack of energy and motivation  
  5. Excessive headaches
  6. Water retention and bloating
  7. Severe thirst 
  8. Blurred vision
  9. Excessive urination
  10. Increased blood pressure

Are you currently experiencing any of these symptoms? If you are, please consult a doctor at your earliest convenience.

Doctor Develops Blood Sugar Supplement

Dr. Weis has a medical degree from the University of Kansas. He’s published medical studies and held prestigious medical roles like the Civilian Physician for the Wounded Warrior Clinic at Fort Knox. 

Along with his decades of experience in private practice, Dr. Weis spent time serving communities in the rural south. 

He has extensively studied and researched the causes and harmful effects of hyperglycemia (High Blood Sugar) in his years as a practicing medical professional. 

After years of research on hyperglycemia, he decided to develop his own high blood sugar supplement, GlucoBerry, to help people who are diagnosed or suffering from diabetes.  

“High blood sugar can be a ‘silent killer’ no one ever sees coming!” 

Dr. Weis goes on to explain: Hyperglycemia happens when there’s too much sugar (glucose) in your blood. It’s also called high blood sugar or high blood glucose. 

This happens when your body has too little insulin (a hormone), or if your body can’t use insulin properly — which is also called insulin resistance.

If it’s left untreated, chronic hyperglycemia can lead to diabetes complications, such as nerve, tissue, and blood vessel damage, eye disease, along with organ problems like kidney damage — which requires immediate medical treatment.

Symptoms of hyperglycemia in people with diabetes tend to develop slowly over a few days or weeks. In some cases, there may be no symptoms until the blood sugar level is very high.

Solution to high blood sugar: Medical professionals recommend that you drink more water. Water helps remove excess sugar from your blood through urine, and it helps you avoid dehydration.

They also suggest that you exercise more, because working out can help lower your blood sugar.  

What causes hyperglycemia?

Hyperglycemia most often results from a lack of insulin. This can happen due to insulin resistance and/or issues with your pancreas — the organ that makes insulin.

WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW: The pancreas is a long, flat gland that’s located behind the stomach. This vital organ has two major functions: It helps with digestion and blood sugar regulation.

During his years of research to develop his high blood sugar regulator, GlucoBerry, Dr. Weis realized that there are other hormones that can also contribute to the development of hyperglycemia as well. 

Excess cortisol (the “stress hormone”) or growth hormone, which can lead to high blood sugar

GlucoBerry Helps to Regulate High Blood Sugar

Source: GlucoBerry high blood sugar supplement/bellevue Reporter

What is GlucoBerry and how can it help?  

Glucoberry is a dietary supplement that is backed by scientific research and studies. It contains natural ingredients that help in maintaining healthy glucose levels in the blood.

This supplement is also free of fabricated chemicals and is considered safe for long-term use. It is recommended for people with pre-diabetes, type 2 diabetes, or who simply want to regulate their glucose levels better.

What are some benefits of using Glucoberry? 

This dietary high blood sugar supplement has several benefits. Here are 10 important health benefits of taking Glucoberry regularly:

1. Reduces the risk of developing diabetes: Regular use of this supplement can decrease the chances of developing type 2 diabetes by reducing glucose levels.

2. Weight loss reduction: It enhances weight loss by improving your metabolism and decreasing the amount of glucose available for fat storage.

3. Lowers blood pressure: The dietary supplement has been shown to lower the blood pressure of those who take it regularly.

4. Anticancer properties: The potent antioxidant properties of the supplement have been linked to reducing the risk of cancer cells growth.

5. Enhances cardiovascular health: Regular use of the supplement can promote healthy heart functions by reducing inflammation and oxidative stress.

6. Improves brain function: The natural ingredients in Glucoberry have been shown to enhance cognitive (brain) function and improve learning and memory.

7. Boosts immune function: Regular use of taking this dietary supplement can help to enhance and support immune health and protect against diseases.

8. Fights inflammation: Glucoberry has potent anti-inflammatory properties that protect against chronic inflammation, which can lead to various chronic illnesses.

9. Promotes healthy skin: The natural ingredients contain compounds that promote healthy skin, and taking Glucoberry can improve skin elasticity and prevent damage caused by harmful free radicals.

10. Improves eye health: The potent antioxidants in Glucoberry helps to protect your eyes from oxidative stress, improving vision and preventing eye diseases.

Bottom Line

There are more than 100 million adults in the U.S. living with diabetes or prediabetes. Consuming too much salt can increase your blood pressure, and your risk for heart disease and stroke

High blood sugar can often lead to chronic hyperglycemia — which leads to diabetes complications, such as nerve, tissue, and blood vessel damage, eye disease, along with organ problems like kidney damage and even death.

So, if you’re often feeling very tired, often extremely thirsty, experiencing blurred vision, and notice an increase in urination throughout the day and night, this may be a sign that you have high blood sugar. 

If you are, GlucoBerry could help lower or regulate your glucose levels, improve your heart health, and lower your blood pressure. Click here to learn more how GlucoBerry can help to maintain your blood sugar

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