Photo: Couple living with Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile Dysfunction (ED) is common in men with diabetes. An estimated 10.9 million adult men in the U.S. have diabetes, and 35 to 50 percent of these men are impotent, according to Johns Hopkins Medicine.


Although diabetes and erectile dysfunction (impotence), are two separate conditions, both seem to go hand-in-hand. ED is defined as having difficulty achieving or maintaining an erection. 

Men who have diabetes are two to three times more likely to develop ED. When men ages 45 and under develop Erectile Dysfunction, it may be a sign of type 2 diabetes, reports Healthline.

Medical professionals agree that type 2 diabetes is the most common form of diabetes that develops as a result of being overweight or inactive. It occurs when your body doesn’t use insulin properly. 

And while some people can control their blood glucose (blood sugar) levels with healthy eating and exercise, others may need medication or insulin to manage it. 

Diabetes occurs when you have too much sugar circulating in your bloodstream. 

There are two main types of diabetes: type 1 diabetes, which affects less than 10 percent of those who have diabetes, and type 2 diabetes, which accounts for over 90 percent of diabetes cases

What causes ED in men with diabetes?

The connection between diabetes and ED is related to your circulation and nervous system. 

Most doctors agree, “Poorly controlled blood sugar levels can damage small blood vessels and nerves.” 

Damage to the nerves that control sexual stimulation and response can hinder a man’s ability to achieve an erection firm enough to have sexual intercourse. 

However, reduced blood flow from damaged blood vessels can also contribute to ED.

How to treat erectile dysfunction?

Doctors usually recommend oral medications, such as Sildenafil (Viagra), Tadalafil (Cialis), or Vardenafil (Levitra). 

These prescription medications help improve blood flow to the penis and generally provide any significant (reportable) discomfort for most men.

Research shows diabetes doesn’t interfere with your ability to take one of these medications. 

They don’t interact negatively with diabetes drugs, such as Glucophage (Metformin) or insulin.

Although there are other ED treatments, such as pumps and penile implants, you may want to try an oral medication first. 

These other treatments typically aren’t as effective and may cause additional complications.

How to prevent erectile dysfunction

There are several lifestyle changes that you can make to not only help with diabetes management, but also to lower your risk of ED.

Here’s 6 ways to lower the risk of ED according to doctors: 

  1. Regulate blood sugar via diet. Eating a diabetes-friendly diet will help you better control your blood sugar levels and lessen the amount of damage to your blood vessels and nerves. A proper diet can also improve your energy levels and mood, both of which can help reduce the risk of erectile dysfunction
  1. Reduce alcohol consumption. Drinking more than two drinks per day can damage your blood vessels and contribute to ED. Being even mildly intoxicated can also make it hard to achieve an erection and interfere with sexual function.
  1. Avoid smoking. Smoking tends to narrow the blood vessels and decreases the levels of nitric oxide in your blood. This also decreases blood flow to the penis, worsening erectile dysfunction.
  1. Exercise more. A regular exercise routine can help you control your blood sugar levels, but it can also improve circulation, lower stress levels, and improve your energy levels. All of these can help stop ED.
  1. Increase sleep. Men have no idea how important sleep is to the body. Your sexual dysfunction is often linked to fatigue. Fatigue is often to blame for sexual intimacy. Ensuring that you get enough sleep each night can lower your risk of ED.
  1. Reduce stress level. Stress, anxiety, or depression can interfere with your sexual arousal and your ability to get an erection. Exercise, meditation, and relaxation can help to keep your stress levels down and lessen your risk of ED.
Photo: ED is common with men with diabetes/Rana Sawalha

“My erectile dysfunction has caused a huge rift in my marriage!”

Is your erectile dysfunction getting in the way of your relationship or marriage? It did with John, a 45-year-old California native who is a diabetic that suffers from ED. 

John remembers, “In my early years of marriage, me and my wife, Meredith, had a wonderful sexual life. We couldn’t keep our hands off of each other.”

“I was shocked! I was diagnosed with type-2 diabetes by my doctor!” 

“I’ve lived with type 2 diabetes for a few years now,” John admits. “Recently, I’ve been having sexual issues [impotence], which has caused a huge strain in my marriage.”

John’s condition is quite common. More than 10 million American men are diagnosed with diabetes every year. 

Unfortunately, men with diabetes are often victims of erectile dysfunction like John, who never had sexual issues in the past.   

“I’m not sure how long my marriage will survive with my ED!”

John’s wife convinced him to try Viagra – which worked well, but he’s still apprehensive. 

He says, “The Viagra pills worked, but I want something that works more naturally.”

Despite the millions of adult men like John who are affected by diabetes and ED, most of them have no idea what to do about their condition, and simply suffer in silence. But fortunately, you don’t have to suffer.

“This worked better than I could have ever imagined!”

“My wife and I have never been happier and she looks incredibly satisfied every time we make love,” John reveals. “EndoPump worked better than I could have ever imagined.” 

The California native confesses, “My penis now gets harder, bigger, and I want to have sex with my wife all the time.”

He also admits he “lasts longer now and has more energy.” His wife even says, “Even his mood has improved since he started using EndoPump!” 

What is EndoPump?

EndoPump is an advanced all-natural male enhancement supplement that helps to boost male Libido [a person’s overall sexual drive or desire for sexual activity] and Stamina. 

It helps to get rid of erectile dysfunction and achieve bigger, harder and longer lasting erections. 

This powerful supplement also stimulates vasodilation, which will expand or open your blood vessels and increase the circulation of blood (blood flow) that is rich in nutrients throughout your entire body, allowing you to experience powerful and gratifying orgasms.

Is your diabetes or age causing a strain in your relationship because you no longer have  the same sexual drive, stamina, and energy as it once did? 

EndoPump helps you enhance your libido and stamina and get back what you once had: bigger, harder and longer lasting erections that will satisfy your spouse.

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