Photo: ED can lead to divorce/Ben White

Did you know Erectile Dysfunction (ED) affects approximately 18 million men in the United States? Low Sexual Desire Can Lead to Divorce. 

Most men keep their ED problem a secret. They are often ashamed of the fact that their natural function is not working properly. And it’s quite hard for guys to talk or even admit to having such a dysfunction—especially to their spouses.


Erectile dysfunction, also known as impotence, is the inability to get and keep an erection firm enough for sex.

Problems getting or keeping an erection can also be a sign of an underlying health condition that needs treatment and a risk factor for heart disease.

According to medical expert’s erectile dysfunction becomes more common as men get older because their testosterone levels drop over time. 

WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW: Approximately 40% of men have some experience of ED by age 40, and by age 70, nearly 70% of men are impacted to some degree. 

Having erection trouble from time to time isn’t necessarily a cause for concern. However, if your erectile dysfunction is an ongoing issue, it can cause stress, affect your self-confidence, and contribute to relationship problems

The man is not the only one who suffers from erectile dysfunction.

Photo: illustrative purposes only, not the actual people/Alex Green

TAMPA, Florida — Erectile dysfunction not only affects the individual experiencing it, but also can inflict an extreme amount of tension on any relationship.

Intimate connections rely on physical and emotional intimacy. So, when a man struggles with ED, it can place an enormous strain on both partners. 

After a couple of years living in a sexless marriage, Angela, 35, has been suffering from a lack of intimacy because of her husband’s impotence and lack of interest. She admits that she nearly reached her “breaking point.” 

“My husband’s impotence has led to a sexless marriage!”

“My husband (Mark) has started having issues with our sexual encounters. He’s been struggling to keep his erection, and it’s stopping us from having sex — of any kind,” she sadly shares.   

“He won’t even talk about it — and we haven’t even tried to have sex in a while,” Angela says. “I know he’s embarrassed, but I don’t know what to do. I feel so rejected and frustrated!” 

“I don’t think he even desires me anymore!”

As tears begin to trickle from her eyes, Angela reluctantly admits. “He won’t even hug me now and changes the subject when I try to bring it up.” 

“I’ve tried being gentle with him. Then, afterwards… I would just lose my temper and usually say things I shouldn’t have,” she sadly regrets.  

“I even tried talking to my doctor about my husband’s problem!”

“I want to be able to enjoy intimacy again, and I can’t understand why he won’t even talk about it,” she sounds more frustrated. 

“I tried speaking to my doctor, but he won’t say much to me, just that my husband has to come in himself — but that is not happening right now.” 

“I really don’t know what else to do right now!”

“I’ve tried suggesting date nights, but he says he’s busy or too tired,” she says, trying to save her marriage. “I don’t want to be in a sexless marriage for the rest of my life!”

The loyal Tampa wife proudly adds, “I wouldn’t dream of having an affair or anything, but I just don’t know what to do, and I feel unloved.” 

“I know that’s not true… but I can’t help thinking about it sometimes,” Angela looks even more agitated. “I know Mark has always loved me, but I don’t know where we go from here?” — Angela, Tampa, Florida

NOTE: For 2025, the regularity of ED is predicted to be approximately 322 million worldwide. Normally, due to daily stress and everyday diets.

What causes Erectile Dysfunction? 

“Both age and obesity are factors in the number of ED cases, and with an aging population that’s also becoming more overweight, it’s clear that this is a problem which won’t be going away fast.”

Here are 4 deeper health problems your erectile dysfunction could be alerting you to:

  • Psychological factors: Stress, anxiety, mental health issues, depression, emotional trauma, poor body image, and more can contribute to the inability to achieve adequate erections.
  • Lifestyle factors: Smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, substance abuse, and much more can damage blood vessels and restrict blood flow, increasing the risk of ED.
  • Physical factors: Medical problems like diabetes, high blood pressure, hormonal imbalances, obesity, heart problems, usage of certain medications can also lead to ED.
  • Testosterone deficiency: An estimated 8% of men, aged 50 to 79, started exhibiting lower levels of testosterone, which could affect their erectile function.

Can Erectile Dysfunction be reversed?

Erectile Dysfunction can be treated? It’s often treated by various medications to increase your blood flow, erection surgery, and in some cases even therapy can be a helpful treatment.   

However, when it comes to this sensitive issue, most men find it difficult to discuss their sexual problems with doctors and therapists. 

WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW: Extensive studies estimates suggest that one of every 10 men will suffer from ED at some point during his lifetime. 

That’s exactly why men usually seek alternative ways to combat their erectile dysfunction with medicinal supplements like EndoPump

What is EndoPump?

Erectile issues majorly stem from poor penile tissue health and unhealthy blood circulation. 

Most aging men may not get desirable erections on command, and their penis remains flaccid. That’s why many of them do not have quality sexual encounters as often as they desire—due to penile issues—like getting and keeping an erection hard enough for sex.

NOTE: A flaccid penis appear limp and relaxed. When this happens, the penis cannot get hard, or maintain an erection to engage in sexual intercourse.

In addition, with the rising number of men diagnosed with erectile dysfunction, EndoPump is currently being marketed for aging men suffering from various sexual health issues. 

This dietary male supplement has been designed for men to: Reverse erectile dysfunction, Stabilize sexual hormones, and Increase energy levels.

Image: ENDOPUMP is formulated for male sexual performance

EndoPump creators claim it does not mask the symptoms of poor sexual health. Instead, it fixes blood circulation issues, poor libido, low energy, and premature ejaculation, while also offering long-term health benefits. 

However, you should keep in mind: Individual results may vary based on other underlying health issues such as diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, and others.

WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW: Sexual dysfunction in long-term relationships can contribute to infidelity. A lack of sexual relations is one of the top 3 reasons couples get divorced.

In the past, married couples stayed married no matter what. Today, the same couples are divorcing on the grounds of simply “feeling unhappy!” 

What happens if you don’t treat ED?

Photo: Loving couple/Hannah Stevens

Erection trouble from time to time isn’t necessarily a cause for concern.

However, erectile dysfunction is one of the leading causes of divorce worldwide. 

ED may not be the direct cause, but erection problems tend to generate ongoing issues:

Fear of infidelity, insecurity, lack of understanding, fights, lack of desire, psychological damage and, of course, sexual dissatisfaction. 

All these ongoing issues are disguised as “irreconcilable differences,” which legally means:

The inability of both parties to resolve their differences in order to save their marriage.

Bottom Line

If you’re struggling with getting and maintaining an erection, it can feel quite embarrassing to admit or talk about. But the reality is you’re not alone.

Around 1 in 4 men under 40 experience erectile dysfunction and the number doubles in older age groups.

Psychologically, ED can make a man feel embarrassed, ashamed, and frustrated. It may later lead to depression, anxiety, and self-esteem problems if it goes untreated.

That’s why men are discovering solutions like EndoPump male enhancement pills that can help you perform at your best with an increased sex drive, enhanced sexual stamina, increased confidence, and better overall sexual performance. And it will still leave you with energy for more.

EndoPump can help you with symptoms of erectile dysfunction without the need for prescription medication. Click here to find out more! 

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