Photo: How to get rid of respiratory mucus/Mojca J

Most of us hate being sick! Mucus buildup can be quite annoying during the “Cold Season.” You know, the constant coughing and sneezing can be quite infuriating. 

However, how bothersome it could be, mucus does serve an important purpose. It’s produced in excess in your body to help you stay healthy and fight your cold and other infectious viruses.  


This greenish, slimy, sticky, gelatinous substance lines your lungs, throat, mouth, nose, and sinuses.  An four right-left pairs, air-filled cavity in a dense portion of a skull bone.

Respiratory mucus is a common problem that affects many people.  This sticky substance is produced by the cells lining the respiratory tract. 

It plays an essential role in protecting the respiratory system from harmful particles and infections. However, excessive mucus production can cause discomfort, difficulty breathing, and coughing. Fortunately, there are several natural remedies that can help get rid of respiratory mucus, and one of the most effective ones is salt.

What causes mucus?

Mucus is produced by mucous cells, which protects the body and keeps it functioning in a healthy way. The function of mucus depends on its location in your body: it can serve as a lubricant, a protective barrier, or a substance that helps trap foreign bodies or flush them out of your body, according to Very Well Health

All mucus is made from mucin, a substance that your body produces, but really it is mostly water. In fact, 90% of mucus is water. Most mucus is slick and clear.

So, while mucus might seem gross, it’s actually vital for the body. Mucus in your lungs can help remove bacteria that might otherwise cause infection. It’s usually located in your nose and can help prevent viruses, bacteria, and allergens from entering the body. 

How do you get rid of mucus?

Photo: Sea salt can help get rid of mucus/Christiana Rumpf

Fortunately, there are several natural remedies that can help get rid of respiratory mucus, and one of the most effective ones is salt.

There are several ways to use salt to get rid of respiratory mucus. One of the easiest ways is to gargle with salt water. However, sea salt seems to work the best. Get Rid of Respiratory Mucus With Salt

  • Mix a teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water and gargle for a few seconds before spitting it out. 
  • Another way is to use a saline nasal spray or rinse. This can help to clear out mucus from the sinuses and nasal passages. 

NOTE: You can also try using a salt inhaler, which is a device that allows you to inhale salt particles. This can help to reduce inflammation and break up mucus in the respiratory tract.

How does salt help get rid of respiratory mucus? 

Salt has natural antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that can help break up the mucus and reduce inflammation in the respiratory tract. Salt also helps to draw out excess moisture, making the mucus less thick and easier to discharge.

Bottom Line

Respiratory mucus can be a frustrating and uncomfortable condition, but there are several natural remedies you can try to alleviate the symptoms. However, salt is a powerful natural remedy that can help to break up mucus and reduce inflammation in the respiratory tract. 

Whether you choose to gargle with salt water, use a saline nasal spray or rinse, or try a salt inhaler, make sure to follow the instructions carefully and use clean water. By using salt to get rid of respiratory mucus, you can breathe more comfortably and feel better in no time.

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