Photo: Parmita advice on how to tighten loose skin/Parmita Katkar

Aging is a natural part of life, but as we get older, our skin ages as well. This inherently occurs because our skin loses two important proteins manufactured in the dermis—elastin and collagen, which causes the skin to loosen and sag. However, it’s unavoidable, and there are natural ways to tighten and firm loose skin.


“I want to tell you how to combat loose skin, not just on your face–but your whole body,” Parmita informs. “In time, you’ll notice a change in your skin overall.”

“It could be quite frustrating living with loose sagging skin!”

She adds, “If you notice that your skin doesn’t have the same firmness and glow, it can be quite frustrating and can impact your self-esteem.” 

Parmita Katkar is a global influencer, Face yoga coach, and she’s also a self-image coach who has empowered and inspired over 2.5 million people, mostly women; globally, through her educational videos, video conferences, and in-person coaching sessions. 

The social media guru has also been featured on NBC Morning Show, where she demonstrates some of her face yoga techniques which Parmita pioneered. 

There are many ways you can develop loose skin!”  

“There’s many ways to develop loose skin,” claims the influencer. “But once you have it [loose skin], it can be extremely difficult to reverse.” 

What are some causes of loose skin?

Here are some ways you can develop loose skin. According to Parmita, loose skin can occur by Weight loss, Pregnancy, Aging, Sun Damage, and many medical professionals believe Genetics also plays a huge part.

Image: Loose skin after weight loss/Veenourish 

How to get rid of loose skin?

If you want to avoid costly medical procedures and cosmetic surgery, and you want to find a natural way to look and feel better as you age, then Parmita suggests these 6 Ways To Tighten Loose Skin After Weight Loss or Pregnancy:


Building muscle mass can help decrease the appearance of loose skin. Especially, if the loose skin is from weight loss. If the excess fat distances the skin for a long period of time, the skin loses the ability to shrink with weight loss. 

As the muscles start building from the inside, the skin on the outside begins looking tighter and firmer. 

So, if you enjoy a lot of cardio and seeking ways to lose that weight quickly, Parmita recommends that you include more weight training exercises. 


When you exfoliate your skin, you get rid of the dead skin. That means, your sculpting creams and body oils absorb much better into your skin.

WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW: To get the maximum effectiveness, you should exfoliate your skin 1-2 per week. 

It also increases the blood circulation where you apply these creams and oils. 

Something as simple as olive oil or sesame oil and add some used ground coffee beans—then rub it into your problem area(s). 

Image: Massaging your skin can help to tighten skin/Anete Lusina

With age, gravity naturally takes over, and you begin to notice your skin begins to sag. This process occurs when the pores in your skin start to elongate (stretch), because gravity is pulling your skin down—each and every day. 

So, while exfoliating, you should massage your body in small circles. Then, after showering, you should continue massaging your body with upward strokes—either with your hands, or your knuckles. 

Your regular cream is absorbed very quickly into your skin, because it lacks enough skin glide–which is described as using a smooth motion to apply, blend, and distribute formulations to the skin with special brushes.

Parmita recommends that you massage your skin for at least 2-3 minutes. To receive the best results for skin tightening, remember to invest in the best sculpting creams and body oils. 

NOTE: Find creams that contain Hyaluronic acid–which means it attracts and holds onto water molecules. It helps to reduce the deepness of wrinkles, increase your skin firmness, and diminishes skin roughness.


Even if you don’t spend much time in the sun, you shouldn’t take sun damage lightly. Once you start losing elastin in your skin, it starts to sag. 

EXAMPLE: This is like when you stretch a rubber band, it’s hard to snap back to its original form. 


Consider consuming a lot of foods that promote the body’s natural production of collagen. Some of those foods include avocados, flax seeds, eggs, beef, chicken, and bone broth. Here are more collagen-rich foods that promote collagen production:

  • Fish (with the skin)
  • Red Bell Peppers
  • Tomatoes
  • Berries (strawberries, Raspberries, blackberries, and more)
  • Dark Leafy Greens (spinach, kale, collard greens)
Photo: Cold showers can help to tighten the skin/Karolina Grabowska

Most people don’t know this, but hot showers are “terrible” for your skin. Parmita says, “If you’re taking hot showers, you should end the shower with the last 30 seconds in a blast of cold water.”  

WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW: Exposure to cold water causes the blood vessels to constrict, causing the skin to tighten. This channels blood flow away from the surface of the skin—as blood travels away from the skin. Blood vessels in deeper body tissues expand, causing better blood circulation.

Bottom Line

Aging is an ingrained process all living beings have in common. But as humans, we often resist it [aging] as long as humanly possible. Unfortunately, our skin often tells our life’s story without saying a word.

However, when your skin starts to sag and loosen, you should keep in mind that there’s natural ways to tighten your skin without costly medical procedures. 

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