Photo: Garlic improves blood flow; reduce the risk of stroke/Daniela

Garlic’s history dates back nearly 7,000 years since the herb’s migration into society. This powerful, pungent herb doesn’t just add flavor to your favorite meals, but it also has medicinal properties that have been treasured by nearly every culture worldwide.

Admittedly, this aromatic herb has amazingly enriched and enhanced the taste of almost anything like seafood, meat, and even something as simple as bread (garlic bread). 

And for those of us who really like to cook from scratch, it does an extraordinary job in sauce creation. 

Surprisingly, this herb does not just bring your food to life, but has even been utilized by the ancient Egyptians for traditional medical purposes.

Here are 5 health benefits of garlic that is backed by modern science:

  1. Improve your immune system

This potent herb contains allicin, which is scientifically proven to improve the body’s immune system.

According to Megan Nunn, PharmD of, allicin is one of the main active compounds derived from garlic.

It may help prevent certain cancers, lower blood sugar, cholesterol, and blood pressure. It’s also known to help your muscles recover after a workout and protect against infections.

Those who consume garlic once everyday experience 65% fewer colds compared to those who do not eat garlic. 

Although garlic doesn’t necessarily cure the symptoms of the common cold, it could reduce the duration of these symptoms.

NOTE: Allicin is a compound produced when garlic is crushed or chopped. It’s been found to reduce inflammation and offer antioxidant benefits.

  1. Prevent cardiovascular disease  

Cardiovascular problems like heart attacks and strokes can be life-threatening. However, the compounds found in garlic can improve your cardiovascular health.

These compounds can lessen the harmful cholesterol in your body by inhibiting the enzymes responsible for cholesterol production.

It will regulate your blood pressure when you take around four cloves of garlic a day. Moreover, this phenomenal herb also contains sulfur, which is good for the blood vessels and fights oxidative damage.

Image: Garlic is used as a medicinal and culinary ingredient/Karolina Grabowska
  1. Minimize inflammation

Garlic and garlic extract can reduce inflammation in your body, especially allergic inflammation and swelling that is brought about by arthritis according to the Arthritis Research and Therapy Journal.

The organosulfur compounds found in garlic can reduce the production of substances in the blood that worsens inflammation. 

Inflammation is a protective response of body tissues to fight against pathogens (toxins, poisons, malignant), damaged cells and irritants that are perceived as harmful.

NOTE: An essential part of your body’s healing process. A process by which your body’s white blood cells and the things they make protect you from infection from outside invaders, such as bacteria and viruses.

  1. Fights viruses and bacteria

According to a study by the Weizmann Institute of Science’s Department of Biological Chemistry, garlic has antimicrobial (disinfectant) properties that fight off bacteria, parasites, yeast, and fungi. 

In another study, it was found that garlic can inhibit Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori)—which is a bacterium in the stomach that is difficult to eliminate.

  1. Cancer prevention

According to the National Cancer Institute (NHI), consuming garlic can minimize your risk of acquiring certain kinds of cancers such as cancer of the stomach, pancreas, colon, breast, and esophagus. This is possible because of the sulfides found in garlic.    

Due to garlic’s antibacterial properties, it can improve DNA repair, block the production and activation of substances that cause cancer, regulate cell proliferation, as well as induce the death of cells.

The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends a dosage of 2 to 5 grams of fresh garlic daily to witness a positive effect on your health.

Although garlic can’t cure all illnesses, it has been scientifically proven to have health benefits that are difficult to ignore.

To conclude, garlic can help you to avoid cardiovascular problems like heart attacks and strokes–-all while lowering blood sugar, cholesterol, and blood pressure. 

This herb also helps to prevent life–threatening conditions like cancer of the stomach, pancreas, colon, breast, and esophagus.

Bottom Line

To fully benefit from this modern miracle, it’s highly recommended that you consume just a single clove of garlic, or garlic extract daily—if you can’t take the smell of fresh garlic. Overall, countless studies show, the use of garlic will leave your body better than you were the day before. 

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