Image: The love of bread is shared worldwide/Cottonbro Studio

Who doesn’t like bread? The “love affair” with bread is shared universally. It’s one of the oldest human-made foods, having been of significance since the dawn of agriculture that dates back 12,000 years. Its consumption and usage have been shared worldwide before most of our existence and will be here for centuries more. 

Despite its widespread popularity, bread is often considered as unhealthy, harmful and fattening to leading experts.

According to a Healthline article, compared to other foods like fruits and vegetables, bread is relatively low in essential nutrients. 

Bread is rather high in calories and carbs but low in protein, fat, fiber, vitamins and minerals.

NOTE: Whole-wheat bread may exhibit a higher amount of fiber, while sprouted grains (whole grain seeds that began to germinate—or grow) are richer in beta-carotene and vitamins C and E 

Although bread lacks many of the essential vitamins and nutrients, it does serve as a filler to feed large families—much like another carbohydrate—rice and other carbs.

What happens if you cut out bread?

It doesn’t sound like a reasonable request for millions of us. But, based on testimonies by most “bread lovers,” they admit it’s hard getting through the day without eating bread. 

Photo: The love of bread is shared globally/Diliara Garifullina

However, top leading medical experts agree that there’s at least 16 changes that you will notice if you stopped eating bread for 14 days. Here’s what they’ve discovered:

  1. Bloating Reduction 
  2. Mineral Increase (Zinc, Calcium, and Iron)
  3. Brain Fog Reduction 
  4. Mental Clarity Improvement 
  5. Headache Minimizer
  6. Attention Improvement (Less ADHD: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder)
  7. Inflammation Reduction (will help with Arthritis and Fibromyalgia)
  8. Diabetic Symptoms Decreased (A1C levels lower)
  9. Low-Density Lipoprotein (LDL) Reduction 
  10. Artery Oxidation Reduction (decreased cholesterol buildup in arteries)
  11. Vitamin Enhancement (increased Vitamin E and B)
  12. Memory Enhancement
  13. Mood Enhancer (Less Anxiety, Less Depression)
  14. Pain Suppressant 
  15. Energy Boost
  16. Weight Loss (Less belly fat, because of less insulin production)

NOTE: Men eat bread more frequently than women: 44% of men eat bread twice a day compared with 25% of women, according to top researchers.

More benefits of not eating bread

According to a leading doctor, by “consuming refined grains, refined carbohydrates, it depletes your body of vitamin E and B vitamins.” So, what happens when these vitamins are depleted from your body?  

  1. Breathe better. It will help improve your breathing, giving you more endurance with your heart. 
  1. Chest pain reduction. You’re going to have less angina (chest pain or pressure) attacks, improving the betterment of your heart’s function.  
  1. Blood oxidation.  Also, you’ll experience less oxidation in the arteries—which is going to decrease the risk of getting a clot or a clogged artery.

Moreover, vitamin E is the major antioxidant that protects you and helps to lower your odds of some diseases. Additionally, this powerful antioxidant can help prevent cancer.  

NOTE: Angina is chest pain or discomfort, or shortness of breath caused when heart muscles receive insufficient oxygen-rich blood.

Bottom Line

Truthfully, it’s extremely difficult to avoid bread. It’s filling and quite frankly—simply enjoyable! But honestly, would it hurt to take a break from it for a while and receive some of the benefits you can’t get from eating it?

However, if you decide to give up bread for 14 days, share your results about what changes that you’ve noticed.

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