In the US there’s more than 3 million prostate cancer cases per year. This dangerous life-threatening medical condition often occurs with men aged 50 and older. It’s normally treatable by medical professionals when discovered in its earlier stages. 


A cancer of the prostate gland, a part of the male reproductive system. The prostate, which is also known as prostatic carcinoma, is a small walnut-shaped gland in males that produces the seminal fluid that nourishes and transports sperm. This causes blood in urine, blood in semen, painful ejaculation and erectile dysfunction.

According to Mayo Clinic, prostate cancer is one of the most common types of cancer. Many prostate cancers grow slowly and are confined to the prostate gland, where they may not cause serious harm.

However, while some types of prostate cancer grow slowly and may need minimal or even no treatment, other types are aggressive and can spread quickly.

What are the main causes of Prostate Cancer?

A prostate cell becomes cancerous due to a change in its gene. The exact cause for this change is still unknown but is believed to be mainly hereditary. But what most scientist, they can agree with the following risk factors:

  • Age (usually 50 or older) 
  • Family history (genetic/hereditary)
  • Obesity
  • African American (Researchers found Black men are at higher risk)
Photo Image: National Cancer Institute/nci-unsplash

Prostate Cancer can be detected early

Urologist Christopher Weight, MD, of the Cleveland Clinic says, “Prostate cancer that’s detected early — when it’s still confined to the prostate gland — has the best chance for successful treatment.”

“Prostate cancer tends to grow very slowly and often, no symptoms are associated with it until it has reached an advanced state; however, many men overlook them and do not receive the medical treatment they need.

8 Warning Signs Men Should Know

1. Slow or weak urine flow

Most people with a prostate have trouble urinating as they age, and it’s not usually due to prostate cancer.

Still, if you experience a slow or weak urine flow, or if your urine flow starts and stops beyond your ability to control it, it’s a good idea to get your prostate checked.

2. Frequent need to urinate

A tumor on the prostate can put pressure on your bladder and urethra, so take note if you start to feel a frequent and sometimes urgent need to urinate, especially at night.

3. Painful or burning urination

This condition, known as dysuria, is most commonly associated with urinary tract infections, but it can sometimes be a sign of prostate cancer.

4. Blood in the urine

Another possible warning sign of prostate cancer is hematuria, or blood in the urine. Though this can be associated with other health issues, including a urinary tract infection, it’s worth getting checked out.

5. Prostate pain

A rare but early sign of prostate trouble is unexplained pain in the area of your prostate, especially when you’re sitting down.

Although, it could also indicate a prostate infection.

6. Loss of bladder or bowel control

Both urinary incontinence and fecal incontinence can come with age or be related to other medical conditions.

But if you’re experiencing bladder leakage or an inability to control your bowel movements, speak with your doctor about ruling out prostate cancer.

7. Ejaculation issues

All of these issues can be related to other health conditions. But if you’re experiencing any of the following symptoms, touch base with a urologist to get to the bottom of it.

  • Painful ejaculation
  • Decreased volume of ejaculation
  • Inability to keep an erection
  • Blood in the semen (hematospermia)

8. Pain or numbness

As prostate cancer progresses, it may cause pain in your lower back, hips or chest, or numbness in your legs or feet.

However, most people receive a diagnosis before reaching this point, and of course, pain and numbness can be signs of a variety of other health issues, as well.

How to lower your risk for prostate cancer

Photo Image: National Cancer Institute/nci-unsplash

Prostate cancer is a serious and possibly a deadly disease, but early detection is key. Talk to your doctor about your risk factors and when or if you should be screened for prostate cancer — sometimes as early as age 40, if you’re considered high risk.

“There’s no way to eliminate the risk of getting prostate cancer,” Dr. Weight says, “but if you’re at a higher risk for developing the disease, there are steps you can take to lower your risk.”

  • Get regular prostate screenings.
  • Maintain a healthy weight.
  • Exercise regularly.
  • Eat a nutritious diet.
  • Quit smoking.

“When prostate cancer is diagnosed before it spreads to other parts of the body, about 97% of people live at least five years after diagnosis,” Dr. Weight says.

The urologist goes on to explain, “So pay attention to your prostate. It may be small — but knowing the warning signs can benefit your health in a big way.”


There’s more than 250,000 men diagnosed with prostate cancer in the US each year. Reportedly, prostate cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death in men in the United States. 

For men diagnosed with prostate cancer that has spread to other parts of the body, the 5-year survival rate is 30%. And it’s estimated that slightly more than 29,000 deaths from this disease will occur this year.

Worldwide, there’s an estimated 1.2 million men diagnosed with prostate cancer yearly. And it is the fourth most commonly diagnosed cancer in the world, reports

Are there any alternative treatments?

Millions of men are turning to alternative supplements like Fluxactive. This complete supplement is a dietary supplement that is formulated to improve prostate health and help the male reproductive system function better by potentially contributing to the better health and function of the prostate gland. 

Fluxactive Complete contains multiple natural ingredients that are clinically proven to offer benefits that could reduce oxidative stress (accumulated damage) in the body and possibly helps in the prevention of several sexual disorders.

How can Fluxactive help your prostate health?

Maintaining a healthy prostate is vital to your overall health. That’s why men are now seeking help from Fluxactive.

This prostate wellness formula is designed to support the normal functions of the bladder, prostate and the male reproductive system. Click here to learn how Fluxactive can help you regain a healthy prostate

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