Obesity continues to be a serious health problem worldwide, contributing to Heart disease, Diabetes, Joint dysfunction and pain, and even certain types of cancer. And according to the latest data, it’s estimated that more than half of the global population will be considered overweight or obese by 2030.

SAN PABLO, California — The obesity epidemic in America is rising at an alarming rate – for both adults and children. The word “epidemic” is often overused, but there’s no better way to describe the explosion of obesity in America. 

According to the latest numbers from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), an astonishing 68% of American adults and children are overweight or obese. 

Worldwide, the World Health Organization estimates that there are more than 1.9 billion adults, 18 years and older, overweight. Of these over 650 million were obese.

So, what’s causing this drastic rise in obesity? 

Well, the answer to that is simple: governmental policies and the enormous global rise is the processed and fast-food industry which make obesity difficult to escape.  

However, there are other factors that may also contribute to this epidemic as well – such as poor nutritional choices, overeating, genetics, culture, and metabolism. 

Are there health concerns related to obesity?

Obesity can link you to many health complications and place you at a higher risk for diabetes, heart (cardiovascular) disease, high cholesterol levels, and even certain types of cancer like — Breast cancer, colon cancer, and cancers of the kidney, pancreas, and thyroid.

Additional health risks from diabetes may include osteoarthritis, sleep apnea, kidney disease, strokes, and high blood pressure, according to World Population Review

But, despite the negative effects these conditions can have on your health, more and more people are overweight or obese today – than ever before in history. 

Today, there’s another trend that overweight and obese Americans are now embracing. It’s called…

“The Body Positivity Movement!”

Courtesy of: Cosmopolitan Maga

What Is the Body Positivity Movement?

This movement rejects painful surgeries, fad diets, and Fat bootcamps. The movement encourages people to take pride in their bodies, “No matter what size,” says its growing membership. 

In New York, plus-size women who support the “Body Positivity” or “Health At Every Size (HAES) Movement” want to spread the message that there’s —- 

“No shame or problem with being overweight!”

The ideal of this movement is to be proud of your body in every way. However, experts in the health industry would claim that “these women are promoting obesity!”

Although, their message and attitude don’t appeal to everyone. Many doctors are against this movement. They’re worried that it may lead young people to dismiss the dangers of obesity.

“You should be aware that there are consequences of obesity!”

Dr. Arghavan Salles, MD, PhD, is a renowned bariatric surgeon and obesity researcher. She completed medical school and residency in general surgery at Stanford University School of Medicine

The Bariatric Surgeon performs surgery on the stomach/or intestines to help people with obesity lose weight. The doctor also wants this to be clear to people who are overweight or obese —-

“I am anti-weight bias, anti-fat phobia, anti-fat stigma, definitely anti-fat shaming. But… I don’t think that being aware of the consequences of obesity is the SAME AS FAT SHAMING,” Dr. Salles states, and goes on to say….

“Even if your lab test is normal, it doesn’t mean that you don’t have knee, hip, ankle, or lower back pain, and more problems related to being overweight or obese.” 

“There’s NOTHING WRONG with loving your body!”

The bariatric surgeon says, “People can be physically active, love their bodies… Although, all of your excess weight brings risks for very serious problems that are costly and make it harder to live the life that you might want.” Surgery is not recommended to everyone, but… 

Obesity is considered a modern epidemic in most parts of the world

Worldwide obesity has nearly tripled since 1975, with about 13% of adults being obese and about 39% of adults being overweight, according to World Population Review. 

Obesity is a growing global concern. Data suggests the number of obese people in the world has tripled since 1975 to approximately 2.1 billion—roughly 30% of the total population — and this number continues to rise.

And by 2030, more than half of the global population would be classified as overweight or obese.

Obesity is one of the leading causes of preventable death, dramatically decreasing not just a person’s overall quality of life – but also their life expectancy. 

An increasing number globally are dying from health problems linked to being overweight, and by not doing something about your weight you could be at risk to…

Cardiovascular disease and a countless number of other medical conditions, said the study, published Monday in the New England Journal of Medicine.

According to Our World Data, Obesity is one of the leading risk factors for early death. It has contributed to more than 4.7 million early deaths each year.

Obesity is one of the world’s largest health problems – one that has shifted from being a problem in rich countries and communities, to one that reaches all income levels.

What can you fight being obesity?

If you’ve been living with obesity, or you’re struggling with being overweight like millions of others, here’s a way to finally take back control of your body by following these simple instructions and controlling your poor eating habits. 

So, if you’re one of the 650 million people who are overweight or obese and struggling to lose your excess body fat? Well, it turns out there’s something you can do about the fight against the global obesity crisis. Click here to watch this video

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