Smoothie Diet Plan

There’s more than 2 million Americans who are considered overweight; and well over 3 million are classified as obese. So, if you’re in one of those two categories, then you’re obviously aware that you’re – NOT ALONE!

How is it that only a fraction of you who are battling obesity successfully lose the weight while others like YOU DON’T? 

AURORA, Colorado – Have you had problems losing weight? That was Jan Masterson’s problem. She can tell you what motivated and challenged her to finally lose the weight and change her life forever. 

The reason? Her husband moved out and then a few months later, filed for a divorce after he began dating a woman from his workplace. She was angry at first, but then thought…

“My husband finally left me after years of ‘letting myself go’ in my 8-year marriage!”

“I admit, after I got married to my husband, Frank, I really let myself go,” confesses Jan. “Then after begging me to do something about my weight – which I didn’t… and he left me after 8 years of marriage.”

Jan spent months being angry with Frank, but after the initial blow faded, she finally decided to take back her life. This is what Jan looks like today after feeling sorry for herself… 

“I was so depressed after my ex-husband left. I even stopped going to church on Sundays because of the embarrassment of having a failed marriage.”

Jan sadly thinks back “I know how so many people feel, having to live in shame. I was where they are right now; not being happy with the way I saw myself in the mirror.” 

“To be honest… I made lots of excuses, telling myself that I didn’t have time to do something about my weight,” the Aurora woman shamefully admits. “That’s when I found the 21-day Diet Smoothie Plan, which I still use today.”  

“I couldn’t believe the results I saw after just 21 days of using The Smoothie Diet!”

“Before losing the weight, I cried when I looked at old photos of me in my early 20’s, and thought how beautiful and thin I was,”  Jan remembers, saying with tears in her eyes. “I got tired of feeling sorry for myself, and decided I was going to look my very best – AGAIN!”

“My excuse used to be… I didn’t have time to diet or exercise!”

Jan’s excuse to her ex-husband, Frank, was… “I don’t have the time to diet or exercise!” But, the great thing about The Smoothie Diet, your argument about not having enough time – SIMPLY JUST DOESN’T WORKdoesn’t WORK! 

How much time does it take to make and drink a smoothie anyway? 5, 10, 15, or at the most… 20 minutes? If you can’t spare that, I’m afraid this is not for you; and, you really aren’t serious about losing weight!

After discovering the Smoothie Diet Program, it helped Jan lose nearly 80 pounds of fatjust drinking smoothies. And she claims…

 “It was so SIMPLE and EASY to do,” and says… “ANYONE can certainly do it too!”   

Jan’s experience was extremely successful, because she challenged herself. But what about you?

Imagine how great your life would be if you lost 20, 50, or EVEN AN EXTRA 80 OR MORE POUNDS? 

Even now, Jan doesn’t blame her ex-husband for leaving, because it forced her to finally make a change for the better.

And proudly says, “I’m now engaged to a wonderful man named, John, who even makes and drinks smoothies with me.” That’s great for her, but…

What will your story be if you don’t make the changes necessary to lose your unwanted pounds? Well, if you don’t do something today, then your story will simply stay the same. 

You just simply have to commit to The Smoothie Diet 21-Day Challenge, and it’s possible you’ll have similar or even better results. So, now think back to your earlier years…

Do you stare at your old photos of your thinner days? It’s true! All of our bodies change as you get older, but it’s possible to see that person again…


The Smoothie Diet Formula was developed by Drew Sgoutas to melt pounds by creating a Diet Smoothie. It not only helped him lose his extra weight, but it proved so easy that he no longer had the excuse of not having the time or money. After dropping his extra weight, The Smoothie Diet creator knew…

 “It worked for me and now for thousands of other Smoothie Diet users, it could work for you!” 

After years of perfecting his amazing Smoothie Diet, Drew claims, “My smoothies are not only easy-to-make and promote rapid weight loss… they’re also DELICIOUS!” 

The Smoothie Diet 21-Day Challenge was created to help people like you and Jan who are struggling with their weight, and who have been for a VERY LONG TIME.  

The best thing about this diet is: if you can replace some of your meals with this Smoothie Diet Plan, then it can help you lose weight EASILY and QUICKLY.

The Smoothie Diet Plan helped thousands of people just like YOU! So, if you are still struggling to lose weight and don’t have the time for the crowded gyms and unreasonable eating plans, then this diet plan should be perfect for you.

Photo: Strawberry Smoothie

Drew says, “If you say you CAN’T spare 5, 10, or 20 minutes, then I’m afraid even this SIMPLE and EASY weight loss plan is NOT for you!

So, in order to be successful with this Smoothie Diet Plan and get the results you want, you simply need to follow it to get the results you want. This is what another 21-day Smoothie Diet user, John Bianchi, said about his experience…

“I never-ever would imagine that I could lose weight by just drinking smoothie’s every day!”

John admits he was really skeptical and says, “I wasn’t sure it would work. But, to make this Smoothie Diet work for me, I changed my diet completely, giving up a lot of the carbs (pasta) that I’m so used to eating daily. And he confesses…

“You don’t know how hard it was not eating a huge plate of pasta for dinner!”

“It’s nothing like looking at yourself in the mirror and literally seeing the fat just DISAPPEAR!” John says, “I’m so grateful that my wife made me do this.”

John also wants you to know the 21-day Smoothie Diet Plan was… SIMPY, EASY, and EFFECTIVE!

Is there a guarantee?

Drew Sgosta says, “If you follow the plan completely and nothing happens, then there’s a 60-Day Money-Back Guarantee. How wonderful is that, right?

If it DOESN’T work for you, then you get your money back. And Drew says for more of your questions about his 21-day Smoothie Diet Plan…   

“I’ve created a video to give you more details on how it could work for you!” Jan and John lost a combined weight of nearly 200 pounds after deciding to finally make changes in their lives.

So, No More Excuses! What’s going to motivate or challenge you to lose your unwanted extra pounds. Click here to begin your journey by joining The Smoothie Diet Family and share your weight loss story

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